イワコー ブリスターケシゴム海のなか ER-BRI010(30セット)おもしろ消しゴムは、学校行事など各種イベントのおまけや、プレゼント、ご褒美に最適な商品です。また、海外への日本からのお土産として外国人の方にも大人気の商品です。◎安心安全な日本製イワコーのおもしろ消しゴムは日本製(自社工場)だから、見た目と違ってちゃんと消えるんです。また、材料は、塩ビではなく合成ゴムで作ってますので環境に優しいです。食品衛生法、食品添加物等の規格基準(厚生省告示第370号)に適合していますのでお子様がなめても大丈夫です。 ◆パッケージサイズ:W95×H150×D25mm◆内容:イルカ、マンボウ、ペンギン、クジラ、アザラシなど可愛い海のなかまがいっぱいの消しゴム7点セット◆生産国:日本※予告なく内容が写真と変更となる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。The interesting eraser is the product which is most suitable for discount and a present, the reward of various events including school events. In addition, it is a product of the extreme popularity toward the foreigner as a souvenir from Japan to the foreign countries.
◎Product made in reliable safe Japan The interesting eraser of イワコー disappears unlike an appearance made in Japan (company factory) properly. In addition, it is eco-friendly as I make the materials with synthetic rubber not polyvinyl chloride. As I meet the standard standards (Ministry of Health and Welfare notification 370th) such as the food hygiene law, food additives, a child can lick it.
◆Package size: W95 X H150 X D25mm ◆Contents: The eraser seven points set that there are a lot of a dolphin, a sunfish, a penguin, a whale, friends of the cute sea including the seal ◆A country of origin: Japan ※Contents may be changed with a photograph without a notice. Thank you for your understanding beforehand.
In addition, it is a product of the extreme popularity toward the foreigner as a souvenir from Japan to the foreign countries.
◎Product made in reliable safe Japan
The interesting eraser of イワコー disappears unlike an appearance made in Japan (company factory) properly. In addition, it is eco-friendly as I make the materials with synthetic rubber not polyvinyl chloride.
As I meet the standard standards (Ministry of Health and Welfare notification 370th) such as the food hygiene law, food additives, a child can lick it.
◆Package size: W95 X H150 X D25mm
◆Contents: The eraser seven points set that there are a lot of a dolphin, a sunfish, a penguin, a whale, friends of the cute sea including the seal
◆A country of origin: Japan
※Contents may be changed with a photograph without a notice. Thank you for your understanding beforehand.